Our research reports utilize cutting edge technology and proprietary databases. Each report looks for similar sounds, appearance, meaning and includes all possible phonetic variations including the foreign translations.

U.S. Extensive Full Availability – $295
Our comprehensive full availability search includes a search of U.S. Trademark Office records of all registered, pending, expired, canceled or abandoned trademarks and service marks, plus state trademarks, common law, and company names.
Common law sources include:
U.S. & Canada Extensive Full Availability – $395
Our U.S. and Canada search combines our U.S. Extensive search with extensive Canadian sources, including the Canadian Trade-Marks database, and numerous Canadian common law sources.
Common law sources include:
Design Search – $400
Our design search will compare your logo to existing logos filed with in the Federal Registry. The search is conducted by breaking your logo into design code classifications and comparing them to existing logos.
U.S. Federal Search – $100
Our federal search compares your mark with identical or similar marks in the Federal Trademark Register. This search is especially helpful when you have several choices for potential trademarks and you wish to narrow the field by eliminating obviously unavailable marks.
European Union Search – $450
Our Comprehensive EU search includes:
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Trademark Services
We Meet Your Standards
20 Years of Experience
Since 1995, More than 20,000 searches performed and 6,000 trademark applications filed.
Top-Rated U.S. Firm
Rated top U.S. attorney by Trademark Insider for number of applications.
BBB A+ Rating
We provide our customers with exceptional services and unparalleled customer support. Check our Report
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
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